


The EWMS (World Marketing Summit) was held online, November 6-8 under the auspices of Philip Kotler, who is considered the father of modern marketing. Famous #marketing practitioners and academics from 80 countries shared their opinions via online for 48hours in 104 countries. According to what I’ve read from the news, 2.5million people followed the summit at the same time. Huge participation!


The Covid19 disease caused by the corona virus spread from China to the world in a very short time. There are currently 14,600,000 cases reported, and 609,408 deaths. If we look at country rankings, the first three positions are the U.S.A. (3,844,815 cases 140,903 deaths), Brazil (2,118,646 cases and 80,120 deaths) and India (1,155,191 cases 28,084 deaths). Turkey is 14th with 220, 572 death cases in 5,508 (as of July 21, 2020). There are still efforts to find a vaccine, and drug discovery efforts continue as well. On the one hand, people who are sick are trying to get treatment. There is still much unknown about how the disease is transmitted, what increases the number of cases, and what increases the number of deaths. It still hasn’t been determined whether it is a respiratory disease or a circulatory disease…