
Moo’s Law: An Investors’ Guide to the New Agrarian Revolution


Author Jim Mellon, who is himself an agricultural investor and studied philosophy, politics, and economics at Oxford University, commences the book by quoting Saint John Henry Newman (1801-1890). “Animals have done us no harm and they have no power of resistance. There is something so very dreadful in tormenting those who have never harmed us, who cannot defend themselves whose fate is in our hands.”

In fact, the question is: “Why do we have to talk about animal rights today, when Universal Human Rights have not yet been made a common value for all people living in the world?” It would be correct to explain this question with data, states the author, and he explains: Food accounts for more than a quarter (26%) of global greenhouse gas emissions. It is known that 70% of freshwater consumption worldwide is for crops and livestock, primarily related to farming and meat production. It takes 4325 liters of water to produce just 1 kg of poultry meat. Just think about the amount of water consumed for other cattle meats. By 2030, it is estimated that more than 5 billion tons of animal waste will be produced annually by global livestock. This will lead to the contamination of both the soil and water.

He then cites a portion of the text in which Jeff Tietz of Rolling Stone magazine explains in detail some of the components of the waste produced by factory-raised animals: Ammonia, methane, hydrogen, sulfur, cyanide, phosphorus, nitrates and heavy metals, and more than 100 pathogens that can make people sick. In today’s processes, these harmful components; spread into waterways, are used in fields, and are even sprayed into the atmosphere, which authorities have proven can cause serious harm to humans. 

It doesn’t take any more data or a wordage with a second question to understand the seriousness of the issue. The bells are ringing for us; the author continues: The United Nations predicts that we will need to produce 50-100% more meat by 2050. Change is necessary, and if action is not taken without wasting time, putting aside making Universal Human Rights a common value for all people, we will suffer just in how to share clean water. War is a probable outcome.  

The book “MOO’S LAW – An Investor’s Guide to the New Agrarian Revolution” explains the causes of radical changes in human consumption of animal products, how they can be brought to life under the pressures of the economic system, and the forces that shape them, and make predictions about future scenarios by bringing, motives which mobilize and even encourage the key players who take part in this revolution, up for discussion.

As the title of the book makes clear, the point is not to babble about animal rights. The “agrarian revolution” is a reality whose needs must be met unconditionally, and there is a lot of scientific data to demonstrate that we do not have much time left. In his book, Jim Mellon lists seven reasons why this revolution must take place, in other words why meat should be produced in factories rather than obtaining from animals in the new way: ) 

First, we live in a world where current farming and animal husbandry methods directly threaten human health. The Covid19 pandemic we are currently in is great evidence of this. Getting rid of a flip-flopping point of view, we should strive to improve the world for future generations, rather than just thinking about our own limited lifespan. The “Agrarian Revolution” alone has the capacity to prevent the occurrence of the aforementioned conditions by changing the way in which the proteins needed to live to enter the food chain.

Second, as one of the main causes of global warming, it is necessary to identify outdated agricultural practices, especially with regards to how livestock is raised. For years, practices have been only for the purpose of gaining a greater profit. How can any long-term benefit be seen with such a system? As the “Agrarian Revolution” has a structure that will radically change all currently functioning systems, it will bring about a great reduction in harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

Thirdly, the industrial processing of animals and animal products can be described as “brutal” at best and “repulsive” at worst. With the “Agrarian Revolution” that implements the opportunities created by technology, there will be no need to torture animals to this degree in order to meet our protein needs and enjoy eating animal products.

Fourth, 80% of global deforestation is caused by the use of existing restrictive farming methods. With the new production methods that the Agrarian Revolution will bring, it is possible to reverse the damage to the land and the extent of land use.

Fifth, the amount of water required for animal production is quite high. In a world where the livability of all countries is under threat due to the lack of reliable water resources, the use of our important but limited water resources will decrease significantly with the applications brought by the New Agrarian Revolution.

Sixth, thanks to the Agrarian Revolution, the quality of protein production processes will improve, and nutritional standards will substantially get better with the addition of healthy nutritional supplements to these proteins. In addition to these positive developments, the unwanted and harmful by-products of current food production (microplastics, mercury, and cadmium) will also be significantly reduced.

Seventh, it will be inevitable to produce “clean” foods while producing other traditional products (vegetables, grains, and herbs) in factories and laboratories developed using advanced technologies, which are a prerequisite for the realization and continuation of the Agrarian Revolution. The food supply industry will more than makeup for the jobs periodically lost on traditional farms and offer a much more decent working environment.

After listing these reasons, the author raises another very important question that needs to be answered. He says, “it is possible to switch to creating a guide for investors.” only after answering this question. The question is: “What are the prerequisites for realizing a revolution with such destructive dynamics in an area where consumers have such well-established habits?” 

Awareness of the impact of consumers’ consumption habits on the environment should indisputably be considered a prerequisite, but the tone of communication will be extremely important here. Even if the communication strategy, tactics, and tone are correct, it is very difficult to create this awareness. Let’s take the example of smoking, whose harm to human health has been repeatedly proven by many health authorities. How are we going to internalize environmental problems and find the courage to break our taboos and convince people that it is necessary to regularly consume factory-made “meat” that does not contain any animal additives when even the decision to quit smoking for our own health which is the relatively easy is quite difficult.

Some masses have already accepted this revolution and volunteered to use “plant and cell-based” products regularly. These are individuals over 40 years old, with high health awareness and intellectual level, open to change. Also, young individuals who are between the ages of 16-24, with high environmental awareness and with advanced ability for empathy , are also included in this group.

The author says we don’t have much time. Since 2020, Jim Mellon has been saying the Agrarian Revolution will happen, and in the future, we will stop torturing animals for meat.

Not long time ago. In 2000, if they said to a 35 year old investor, “There will be no oil powered cars in Europe by 2035.”, they would probably laugh away. Today, all car manufacturers  adopt, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” strategy, the book states that the major food producers are doing the same at the moment.

The main title of the guide prepared for investors to turn to this field is to end the cruelty against animals mentioned in the book and to leave a sustainable world to future generations.

The visions of these key players in the sector are quite high.

They spend a lot of time using technological processes to produce food that, apart from its nutritional value that has a similar texture and taste to meat obtained from animals. They struggle with regulations and lobbying activities. Even if these activities describe the food they produce as “Franken food,” they are sure to find ways to combat it. In fact, the author believes that this revolution will begin soon in Singapore. He says there’s no reason why technological processes should intimidate investors. This is because, according to him, the production prices in the future of the Agricultural Revolution are considerably lower than the current production processes of animal foods.

There are approximately 430 players worldwide in the plant-based meat market. As mentioned above, Beyond Burger (Carl’s Jr., McDonald’s (using Burger King), and Impossible Burger (using Burger King) are the two brands with the highest brand awareness among these players.

Mentioning that giant companies that use traditional production methods has started to follow “if you can’t beat them, join them.” Strategy, the author says that investors should definitely evaluate this situation in their decisions. Excluding dairy products and other plant-based foods, the worldwide plant-based meat market is currently valued at approximately US$12 billion, and the market size is estimated to reach US$28 billion by 2025. While the market for meat substitute products in Western Europe was 1.35 billion Euros in 2015, this figure is expected to reach 2.35 billion Euros in 2022. Over US$300 million has been invested in this sector over the past two years, and meat production giants are taking action to capitalize on this developing market and meet the growing demand for vegan proteins. Looking at the numbers, the growth momentum of the market is high. 

However, there are some situations that may frighten investors. To list the main attack headings against cell and plant-based foods: The claim that they are not natural or healthy with the definition of “Franken Foods”; the environmental damage of traditional agriculture is exaggerated; livelihoods and traditions are at stake; In a world where the density of animals is reduced, topsoil erosion will occur, and consumers who want “normal” products will not accept the “new” that is out of the norm.

The author refutes the arguments in question with the data obtained from scientific research. He emphasizes that there is a majority that is willing to consume new products and even consumes them. In addition, the fact that this revolution in the industry is a “necessity” for the future of the world strengthens the hands of investors, he says. He states that environmental awareness and the number of people who eat vegan are increasing day by day, and people are in search of meaning in their consumption. 

Even with strong lobbying, Israel, Singapore, China, and Japan are the countries where development is expected in the first phase, while Europe is currently in the audience, he says. Based on his experiences, Jim Mellon states that, besides these countries, the Middle East Region will be one of the leading regions in the vegetable or cellular-based foods market in the future, even if it seems difficult at the moment. There is also a section at the end of the book where companies in the sector are examined.

If you ask me, I would call it nonsense, but I’m not sure, people are now making their consumption choices in such a spoiled manner and even under the bombardment of communication by various so-called authorities acting with concern for ratings…

For example, the environmentalist, sustainable, and even domestic/national lifestyle and consumption preferences revealed in consumer researches are never reflected in real figures. Nobody is a “walk the walk” person, and everyone is all about ‘talking the talk.’

While the number of skilled and farm animals in the developed Western European countries is more than their citizens, who will give up this economy or their habit, that is, their comfort?

“Maybe it is necessary to limit the greenhouse gas effect (digestion and defecation) of the human population! Now, we should only be fed with intravenous medical preparations. We should avoid the pets that accompany us in our homes. Maybe the dinosaurs were destroyed by the authorities at that time because their carbon emissions were too high and inefficient?!

What the book discusses may seem like a fairy tale today, but it can make sense to those of us who are not afraid of change and can internalize it. I think that those who invest in this marginal field, for now, will make good money. In any case, I am not against technologies such as meatless meat, soilless agriculture. Yet, I do not find all the reasoning given for its necessity justified and logical. Maybe in certain areas in our world geography, it could be necessary in some cases. In our country, I consider it futile when we cannot even make use of our existing natural resources in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry. But, for example, solutions can arise from it, such as soilless agriculture as a strategic requirement in a desert land or meatless meat production for the mobility of armies.

Note: This article, which is open source, can be quoted by mentioning the author. No copyright is required.


(*) Vegetable-based meat can most simply be defined as being made from plants. It is processed in factories and produced to imitate traditional meat from animal products. Plant-based meats are considered healthier than regular meats as they are lower in saturated fat and calories. Cultured meat is a type of meat produced by in vitro cell cultures of animal cells. It is a form of cellular agriculture. It is produced using tissue engineering techniques traditionally used in regenerative drugs.